Presales and Sales Leaders!

Imagine your teams...

🎯 Transforming into buyer-centric detectives, uncovering true needs with Value-Oriented Discovery!
🎯 Crafting demos that captivate and convert!
🎯 Mastering storytelling to create impactful narratives that close deals!

Time is precious.

Sporadic training does not guarantee consistent success.

You and your team need an effective and efficient multiplier!

3 Frameworks
3 Practices

I will tailor, systematize, and teach
3 essential frameworks
underpinned by 3 practices that will
make your team customer-obsessed!

Why partner with me?

Hi, my name is Nikhil Sarma.I have been in your shoes. As an Individual Contributor and as a first-line Solutions Engineering Manager.At Dolby, Optimizely, Lofelt, and Contentful - large enterprises, startups, and scaleups.Regardless of the size of the company, I struggled and I saw my team struggle with the lack of enablement, structure, and process.

To overcome these, I systematically adopted, developed, and fine-tuned
these frameworks and practices.

They have helped me drive over $60M in software sales across EMEA and Asia in 8 years.

Now I'm on a mission to help time-strapped Presales and Sales leaders equip their teams with modern skills, mindset, and tooling.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

© Nikhil Sarma. 2024.
All rights reserved.